Are typically held on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:00 PM. Arrangements must be made in advance, there is a brief preparatory class to attend virtually on the FORMED platform. Godparents are expected to be practicing Catholics. If from another parish a sponsor letter must be obtained from their pastor indicating this. The 2nd Godparent need only be a baptized Christian to serve as Christian witness.
Marriages:Arrangements must be made at least (1) one year in advance. Participation at Pre-Cana Conference or the Engaged Encounter Weekend is required.
New Parishioners:
New parishioners should register as soon as possible after moving into the parish. Registration is our only means of certifying anyone as a member of our parish. It is also important for testimonial letters regarding sponsorship for the sacraments, recommendations for positions, schools, character references, etc.,.
Please notify the office of change of address.
Hospital Visits:
Notify the office of sick parishioners so they can be visited. In case of emergency for Annointing of the Sick, follow instructions on the parish office phone line.
Holy Communion:
Gluten free Hosts available - stop by the Sacristy prior to Mass and can be brought to sick/homebound upon request.
Church Support:
Our Lady of Peace Parish is entirely dependent on its parishioners for support. All wage earners are asked to use the weekly envelopes faithfully.